Effective Learning Skills

Effective Learning Skills

The Effective Learning Skills Workshop Series consists of six (6) core areas that are presented throughout each semester. It has been designed to equip students with the learning skills that are necessary for the achievement of   academic success at the university level. If you have experienced  difficulties coping with the rigours of academic life; often feeling anxious or stressed out, if you  are unable to efficiently manage your time, take effective notes in your classes or if you find  yourself studying but not getting the grades you want; then this programme is for you. Students attending five (or more) workshops will qualify to receive the Effective Learning Skills Certificate of participation - a great enhancement to their résumé. The core areas include:
1. Critical Thinking
Enhance your learning experience and academic performance by developing critical thinking skills. Learn how to effectively engage with information through deeper levels of understanding, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and application.
2. Reading & Note Taking
Taking lecture notes and trying to get through the long lists of assigned readings for five different courses can be a challenge. Maximize your academic performance by learning key strategies for efficient reading and effective note taking.
3. Math & Science Problem Solving Skills
Quantitative courses, especially mathematics, can challenge the best of us. Learn key strategies for overcoming the challenges posed by these courses and get on the road to academic success.
4. Time Management
Too many things to do and not enough time to do them! If you are struggling to balance many different activities and your academics are suffering, this workshop is for you. Learn how to effectively manage your time and get on the path to personal and academic success.
5. Managing Academic Anxiety
Inability to manage high levels of anxiety can interfere with concentration and memory, which are critical for academic success. Avoid becoming overwhelmed and falling behind in your studies by learning effective strategies for managing or avoiding academic anxiety.
6. Exam Preparation for UWI Tests & Exams
Revising vast amounts of course material covered during the semester can be daunting, not to mention remembering all of it under examination conditions. Learn essential techniques which will enable you to improve your knowledge of your subject areas and perform well in examinations.


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